Not Your Mothers Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray

Not every day can be a day at the beach when you have your hair to look like it. Now all you have everyone fooled. This sea salt spray is infused with natural sea kelp and dead sea salt. 

It has a faint scent, it smells like coconuts and salt-just like the beach!

The bottle design and nozzle makes it really easy to use. If you travel a lot during the summer or going on holiday it has an open/lock switch so it wont leak. 

The formula of the sea salt spray is so lightweight, not sticky.

How I use:

After I get out of the shower I wrap my hair in an towel for probably about 20 minutes while I get ready for bed. Then I spray my hair with Not Your Mother's Sea Salt Spray then I brush out my hair evenly distributing the product throughout my hair. Then I braid my hair and go to sleep. When I wake up I remove the braids and then I am ready to go for the day. 

 Overall, I think Not Your Mothers did an amazing job. It's so lightweight and easy to use perfect for on the go. It's not sticky and the scent is too overwhelming. Perfect for those summer months and you can't beat the price.

Buy It Here

XOXO, Rosie 


  1. wow I wanna try this. Nice review =)

  2. I love the effect that salt sprays give. I am seriously addicted! Great review - may have to try this product!

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  3. Glad this product worked so well for you! :o

    Also, mind checking out my fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog?

  4. i've heard such great things about this, and it's so popular it was sold out at my ULTA for like 2 weeks haha! :) Would love if you could check out my latest review (:
    Penny Rose

  5. How do you know that I'm looking for salt spray?:D How's the result? How much?:D thank you for visiting my blog! I'm enjoy reading your blog and I've following. I hope you would return the favour (:


  6. I used this last year on my friend's hair to give her some texture. She has fine, baby soft, straight hair. It was amazing!! I like this brand a lot. I use their dry shampoo and love it too.

  7. i've heard great things about this and would love to try it one day!

