Pretty Little Liars Season Finale

Pretty Little Liars Season Finale:

1. Allison is "red coat"
Let's be real we all knew it was Allison I mean come on.

2. Toby is alive and a good person 
I knew all a long was alive and he was trying to help the girls :)

3. Spencer on the A team
I love spencer, she's probably my favorite character. She did such a good job tricking Mona to get on the A team.

4. Mona
Is Mona good or bad? I think Mona is a good person really I think she was being told by A what to do to the girls but then A turned on her.

5. 2 teams!!
Yes I do believe that they're to teams. There is the A team and then there is another team which is shanua, Jenna, and Melissa. What is up with Melissa why does she want her sister hurt or even worse but you show her concerned when she went to pentinville. Was that an act? Why is Melissa friends with Jenna I thought she hated her?

6. Who's was in the trunk
A lot of people believe it is Jason or Wilden but I believe it is Hannah's mom but since spencer found out Jason is her brother you think Jason would try and help spencer. Why doesn't he like her? Does he believe he had something to do with Allison's death.

7. Where is Spencer's dad and Mom?
I was watching abc family on youtube where the designer on the black swan costume said she was Victoria hasting!!! Which makes a lot of sense but why would her parents want to hurt her and her friends?!? because they believe they had something to do with Allison's death but when spencer found out Jason was her brother and Allison was her sister Spencer's mom told her she didn't like Allison?! But why didn't her family tell her that was her family too.

8. Allison was pregnant?!?
Why would Allison be killed just because she was pregnant, there has to be something there are not telling us. I really want to know who the father was!!

9. What about Caleb's "father"
What is with him? I don't get him. You know he stole that money from the church box.

10. Where is Hannah's mom?
I thought it was a weekend trip to New York? Is she teaming up with Victoria Hasting? Do they know something?

This was like a recap on the whole season not the season finale but I couldn't stop myself I just have so much questions. I feel with this season finale I had so many questions answered but know I have so many new questions!!

What do you believe? Let me know in the comments below!!!


  1. I also believe there may be two teams because if red coat was so bad, why would she put the girls in danger and then rescue them from that fire? I don't think Hannah's mom was in the trunk thought. I really hope she isn't. I have my doubt about Mona but so far she seems cool. I don't trust Melisa, Wilden, Jason, Jenna or CeCe. They all have links with one another and they had major issues with Allison. I believe they are all trying to hurt the girls. I still think Caleb's dad is a thief. What I'm curious about is that hand that keeps sticking out of the dirt. I wonder if it was Alison in a flashback.

    Sorry for the long response. HAHA

    1. Thats ok for the long reponse I really enjoyed reading it :) Why does Jason hate Spencer so much? Jason probably thinks she and her friends had something to do with the killing of his sister Allison. I think Melissa locked Spencer in the steam room. I think Wilden is a good guy. Really! Yeah Who's hand was that...I think it was a flash back and some kind lol

    2. Hmmm I never thought of Jason or Wilden that way. I always thought they just wanted to take revenge for the bad treatment they got when Alison was around. HAHA Melissa probably did it.

  2. I think it may have been CeCe in the trunks...can't wait for the next series :)

    1. OMG!!!! I never thought I could be her!!! Good thinking!!!


    2. I was thinking it was her too. This was a great season, so much happened and they finally let us know more info for once. I feel like in the past seasons they never told us anything.

  3. I don't think Caleb's dad is a thief, didn't A send a txt hinting she was the one who made it look like he was a thief? Also, for some reason I don't think Jason is bad. Maybe that's just me being fooled though, lol.

    1. I hope Jason isn't bad either, but why did he run out of the hospital when the elevator fell? In season 4 I hope they show more Jason/Spencer scenes

  4. OMGGG I watched the first season and it seems like alots happened since then!

  5. I love this post, pll is literally my life at the moment it's crazy!

  6. I love PLL, but the finale left me with so many questions. I can't wait until June!!!
